Friday, December 9, 2011

Luny or Lunar

I haven't written in awhile, I shall call it a sabbatical. I was foolish to think I could write several posts a week... because the truth is I have been swallowed by sippy cups and hit by Thomas the Train.

My husband has re-ignited my fascination with space by PVRing over a hundred espisodes of 'The Unknown Universe' and insisting we watch every one. The before dawn, Lunar Eclipes, has me inspired. I thought tonight would be a fun blog to write!

Chris and I are going to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning to watch the total lunar eclipes. I have been humming "Total Eclipse of the Heart" all evening preparing for the big event. The earths shadow will pass over the face of the moon and turn it red. The eclipse is supposed to last two hours until dawn.

NASA scientist report on, "For reasons not fully understood by astronomers or psychologists, low-hanging moons look unnaturally large when they beam through trees, buildings and other foreground objects.In reality, the moon is not any wider, but the human brain sees it differently, and those in the western United States will notice that the moon looks supersized."
"For reasons not fully understood by astronomers or psychologists, low-hanging moons look unnaturally large when they beam through trees, buildings and other foreground objects."

"In reality, the moon is not any wider, but the human brain sees it differently, and those in the west will notice that the moon looks supersized. The upcoming eclipse also offers a special chance for some observers to catch a rare "senelion," the sight of the moon and the sun at the same time during an eclipse, due to an optical illusion."

Ladies if you are trying to get pregnant, tonight is your night. Folklore and urban legends says that you become fertile on the eve of a total lunar eclipse. It is said it can also trigger labour.

According to some traditions, surgeons would refuse to operate during a total lunar eclipse because of increased risk of death of the patient through blood loss.

Hope you enjoy the eclipse! My husband thinks that we are going to get our son out of bed to join us. Off to bed. I leave you with a native story I enjoyed.

The Pomo tribe of Native Americans are from the northwestern US. The Pomo name for a solar eclipse was "sun got bit bear." They tell a story about a bear who goes out for a stroll along the Milky Way. Soon Bear met up with the Sun and the two began to argue about who would move out of the other's path. The argument turned into a fight, which was represented by an eclipse of the Sun. Eventually the Bear continued along his way, but soon met up with the Moon, the Sun's sister. Again, an argument ensue about who would move over and again the argument turned into a fight. Now there was an eclipse of the Moon. After the eclipse Bear continued on his way along the Milky Way and the cycle repeated.



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