Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chicken Soup for the Writers Soul

While in my closet I the other day I came across some things from my childhood and most of it was things I had written.  I spent an hour laughing, screaming into a pillow, and contemplating starting a bonfire and getting rid of the evidence.     When I was ten years old I fancied myself a romance novelist and wrote a "book" called, Romance on Horse Hill . It was fifty pages long, half hand written and the other typed on my mom's typewriter.  The book was about two female horses named Dusty and Smokey ( that just happened to be the two horses my family owned at the time) finding love in a pasture of wild horses. I believe this book was inspired by the unrequited love affair I was having with the boy that sat beside my desk.  He  thought I was a lunatic which only made me poor my heart out even MORE! The book was a big hit with my sister and our friend Gail Kay, so naturally I followed up with a sequel, There Is A Heaven On Horse Hill.  Sadly one of the horses perished in a blizzard but there are some touching monologues and made for TV moments in that book!  Books weren't the only things I wrote.  I wrote poems about my anguish as a pre-teen and songs about love love love.  I even wrote two Will and Testaments!  Apparently I was dying and needed to make sure things like my keyboard and horse bridle had good homes to go to.  In my Will it appeared I was very wealthy.  I left twenty thousand dollars to each one of  my friends and over a hundred thousand to my grandparents who  needed it for retirement.  The second Will looked  the same except I was much richer and a few of my friends were cut out of the money. Not sure what happened there. 

Looking back I admit I was a touch dramatic but I was never bored and I was always using my imagination. I loved to write and along the way I lost the drive to record my thoughts and my dreams.  I am glad I am writing this blog even if my audience is small.  It is good for my soul and I feel something I haven't felt in along time.   I look at my son and only hope that he has the fun I had as a child.  I hope nothing abducts his ability to be imaginative!  I mostly wish that he has the confidence to always be and express himself however he chooses.

In the spirit of writing, my husband sent me a message today with an attached letter  to Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam from a Grade Eight teacher discussing how he uses the song 'Black' in teaching a poetry unit.  It is fascinating and if you are true Pearl Jam fan, then I encourage you to read it. Click on the side bar to access the letter.

Follow me and all I say at grOundBlogdaY.  See you Friday!
Check out three recipes my sister submitted on the side bar. If you want to send something you have hiding up your sleeve whether that be a craft or cranberry loaf, email me here at and I will share it. 


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