Friday, August 31, 2012



Tonight is a Blue Moon which is a full moon that occurs twice in one month.  A Blue Moon is a rarity hence the phrase, “Once in a Blue Moon.”  This type of moon only occurs every 2.7 years.  Sometimes there are two Blue Moons in a year (the last being in 2009).  So why “Blue”?  Why don’t we say, “Once in a Green Moon.”?   The phrase "blue moon" has been around for several hundred years, but its meaning has changed a few times.  The earliest use of the word meant an obvious obserdity, “it will happen when the moon is made of blue cheese and that will never happen!”  Later a volcanic eruption was said to make the moon appear blue as well.  The Blue Moon has also been linked to a moon of sadness.  Either way, a blue moon has been around for over 4 billion years and the phrase has been around for over a few hundred years.

Here are a few fun facts for yourselves and kids to read about the moon:

How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth?

The Moon takes about 27 days (27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6 seconds) to go all the way around the Earth and return to its starting position.

The Moon's orbit around the Earth is a slightly squashed circle called an ellipse.

How old is the Moon?

The Moon is 4.5 billion years old.


How far is the Moon from Earth?

The Moon is about 250,000 miles (384,400 kilometres) from Earth.

Travelling by car:
Travelling by rocket:
Travelling by light speed:
130 days
13 hours
1.52 sec




How fast does the Moon travel around the Earth?

The moon orbits Earth at an avaerage speed of 2,288 miles per hour (3,683 kilometres per hour).

The Moon travels at different speeds during different parts of its orbit. It moves slowest when it is at furthest distance from Earth. The Moon moves fastest in its orbit when it is closest to Earth.


How wide is the Moon?

The Moon has a diameter of 2,000 miles ( 3,476 kilometres).

The surface of the Moon has about the same area as the continent of Africa.


The Moon has no atmosphere

Water was discovered on the moon in November 2009

There is no wind or weather on the moon.

Footprints left on the Moon by Apollo astronauts will remain visible for at least 10 million years because there is no erosion on the Moon.

The Moon and the tides

The moon causes many of the tides in the Earth's oceans. This is because of the gravity force between the Earth and Moon.

During full and new moons the gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon combine to produce the highest tides called Spring Tides.

During quarter moons the gravitational forces of the Sun and the Moon oppose each other to produce the lowest tides called Neap Tides.


Happy Moon watching tonight! 

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